Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lazy weekend

This weekend has been pretty unproductive. I did do some vacuuming, (I got sick of flying hair balls while I was making homemade focaccia bread Saturday morning!) two white dogs means lots of fur this time of year! I did made focaccia bread for the first time which turned out scrumptious (I was going to take a picture but had to charge my batteries and wasn't willing to wait to try it out :)!) I also made some banana bread and macaroni salad with ingredients that I already had. My goal has become to cut out as much processed food as possible and to only shop every 3-4 weeks (this will eliminate a little bit of gas usage, and I'll pay more attention to what I'm buying so that I'll have enough for the month and still keep my bill from being crazy high compared to what I'm used to seeing at the check out). A small weekly farmers market is opening for the first time this spring around the corner from me so i do plan on visiting it frequently! I've also been hunting for a bike on Craigslist, which is why I'm home this afternoon. I was planning on meeting a friend across town, but I found a bike on craigslist last night that looks perfect for me, as of last night it was still available, I'm just waiting to hear if it's the right height for me, and where it is, my fingers are crossed!

1 comment:

D'nelle said...

Thanks so much for your comment - and your reading! I'm glad to hear there's someone else in Nashville doin' the green thing in the blogosphere - it took me starting my blog before I started finding out about offline opportunities to go green, like GreenerNashville, Green Drinks and Cool People Care. Since I'm in front of a computer practically all day, the blogs and websites are really important to me b/c that's how I stay in the loop on news, events, etc. but it doesn't seem that it's that way for most people in Nashville.

Thanks for your blog posts, too! I'd love to hear how the bike search has gone. I think that that'll be the next thing I do once I get moved into the new place!